Berlie W Doherty: Rose Doran Dreams ebook

Berlie Doherty

About Rose Doran Dreams

Cover of Berlie W Doherty: Rose Doran Dreams ebook, designed by Paul Jackson

In spring 2021, I was finalising author Berlie Doherty’s new website. Part of this work included creating the pages for each of her many, many books and populating them with their respective content.

One of her early novels, The Vinegar Jar, had long since been out of print in its original edition, but had been available as a homemade ebook for the previous ten years. And as homemade ebooks tend to do, it had a homemade cover.

“Let people at least get as far as Amazon before deciding whether they want to buy it or not!”

This prompted Berlie to ask me if I’d fancy designing a new cover for it.

Project evolution

As this was during the recent Covid-19 pandemic, she also decided to take advantage of the time forced to spend hanging around at home to adapt, extend and improve her novel.

Along the way, its title changed to Rose Doran Dreams and her name acquired the middle initial W, to help differentiate this project from her children’s books, which are what she is generally known for.

As the text and the cover would now be changing, we also agreed I would create the ebook afresh, rather than grafting a new cover onto a heavily edited, decade-old text file.

People would now be able to buy this novel in its very best possible form!

Availability and further info

Rose Doran Dreams was published in various Amazon stores by Jean Books in 2022, in their proprietary Kindle format. But you don’t need a Kindle e-reader to read it – a Kindle app is available for computers, tablets and phones.

Read more about psychological fairytale Rose Doran Dreams on Berlie’s website.